Rug 1 - Monks Cloth, Wool, Carpet Glue
Dimensions - 540 x 890 mm
(works are not square so these are rough dimensions from the widest points of the work)
I have been looking into the crafts movement in relation to connection with people and place. Crafts is something I love and grew up doing. This has made me dive deeper into connections made through crafts and the links I have with crafts in the Coromandel. I continue to want to make sustainably and to advocate by showing the beauties of the Coromandel environment, even amongst its deviatation . The imagery for this piece was originally sourced after I took a walk after a storm and found natural forms and shapes made from the washed up drift wood. I use off cuts and discarded materials to minimise waste in these pieces.
Rug 2 - Monks Cloth, Wool, Carpet Glue
Dimensions - 540 x 900mm
(works are not square so these are rough dimensions from the widest points of the work)
After Making the work Dune, I realised I was finding it tough to be looking through a destructive lense of our environment when making. I decided I wanted to give the advocacy for the environment through appreciation of the place even after storms and natural/manmade mistakes made to our shorelines. I have started to do this by using photographs from the peak of the storms and destructions made at the beachs but focusing on their integral shapes and forms made.
Rug 3 - Monks Cloth, Wool (offuts from Dune project), Carpet Glue
Dimensions - 530 x 880 mm
(works are not square so these are rough dimensions from the widest points of the work)